The University of Arizona

10.1. High Performance Computing

Math IT SupportHigh Performance ComputingHigh Performance Computing

High Performance Computing

Chivo Machine

If you wish to execute long-running compute jobs, the Mathematics Department provides a remotely accessible system dedicated to this purpose, known as "Chivo".

Math software packages are installed on this machine. Chivo can be accessed from within the math building directly via vnc or ssh, or from outside the math building via Math VPN and then vnc or ssh. It can also be accessed  from outside the math building via a Remote ssh access servers (i.e. Phoenix).

Chivo is outfitted with a Xeon processor and 32 GB RAM. You can execute jobs via VNC or shell commands. Please read our support page on how to run jobs remotely and in the background. The full machine name is:


UITS High-Performance Research Computing


UITS provides more powerful resources for high-performance research computing. For more information, visit


User guide:


Powerpoint presentation from Tools You Can Use 2/20/18


Consultants are available!