7. First and Second Year Math Courses
Math Placement, Transfer Credit/Credit by Exam, PPL (Math Placement Test) → First and Second Year Math Courses
- 7.1. Review and Prepare for Math Courses, Tips for Success
- 7.2. Math 100- Math Lab, Review Course to Prepare Students for Math 106, 107, 108, 112 (Depending on Major)
- 7.3. Math 106- For Students in the College of Education
- 7.4. Math 107- For Students in SBS, PSYCBA, and a few other majors.
- 7.5. Math 108- For Architecture
- 7.6. Math 112- College Algebra
- 7.7. Math 113- Overview of Calculus for Psychological Sciences, Pharmacy, Econ, Speech Language Hearing Sci, and a few other majors
- 7.8. Math 116- Calculus for Business and Related Majors
- 7.9. Math 119A- Special Calculus Course with Biological Emphasis, alternative for Biology, EEB, MCB, and a few other majors
- 7.10. Math 163- Basic Statistics
- 7.11. Math 263- Intro to Statistics and BioStatistics
- 7.12. Math 120R-Calculus Preparation
- 7.13. Math 122A- Math 122A+122B is our Recommended Calculus Sequence
- 7.14. Math 122B-Taken along with Math 122A
- 7.15. Math 125- Accelerated Calculus for Students Who have Experience with Calculus.
- 7.16. Math 129- Calc II
- 7.17. Math 223- Vector Calc (Calc III)
- 7.18. Math 254-Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
- 7.19. Math 302A - For Elementary Education Teaching Majors
- 7.20. Math 302B - For Elementary Ed Teaching Majors
- 7.21. Phil 110 - For Majors in Fine Arts, Humanities, some SBS, and other selected majors
- 7.22. Ling 123 - For Majors in Fine Arts, Humanities, some SBS and other selected majors
- 7.23. SBS 200 - Statistics for the Social Sciences
- 7.24. Other Math Courses
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